Dear visitors,
Dear fellow citizens,
Welcome to the official website of the Local Action Group „Eastern Istria“.
I am sure that our new website will serve as a useful source of information about the Local Action Group (LAG) „Eastern Istria“, where you can find all about its function, what it can offer you – citizens and visitors, and how you can get involved in it.
The idea about the founding of LAG „Eastern Istria“ officially started in September 2012 by signing the Agreement about the procedure and measures for the foundation of LAG on the Labin area. LAG „Eastern Istria“ represents the rural area of Labin, i.e. the area of the City of Labin and municipalities Kršan, Pićan, Raša and Sveta Nedelja.
The purpose of founding LAG is to promote rural development via local initiatives and partnerships, to improve rural living and work conditions, to diversify economic activities, to ensure the flow of information and the transfer of knowledge in order to improve the development of rural economy and local community and to develop the synergy and networking of all subjects whose interest is to contribute to the development of rural areas. The aim is to create the conditions for accessing EU structural funds and to ensure the development of the rural area.
We hereby invite you to give us your suggestions in order to contribute to promotion of local development od rural areas through local initiative.
Valter Glavičić
General information about LAG „Eastern Istria“
The Local Action Group (LAG) is a partnership between the representatives of public, economic and civil sector of a specific rural area, founded with the task of developing and implementing the local development strategy of the above mentioned rural area, and its members can be both physical and legal persons.
LAG „Eastern Istria“ represents the rural area of Labin, i.e. the area of the City of Labin and municipalities Kršan, Pićan, Raša and Sv. Nedelja.
The course of LAG development
The founding of LAG „Eastern Istria“ is the result of a half-year active participation of LAG member representatives at seminars, workshops and consultations organized in cooperation with the Agency for Rural Development of Istria d.o.o. Pazin. The idea about the founding of the Local Action Group „Eastern Istria“ was officially born on 26 September 2012 by signing the Agreement on the procedure and measures for the foundation of the Local Action Group (LAG) of the rural Labin area. The founding Assembly was held on 19 December 2012 and Valter Glavičić was elected as Chairman and Rosana Klarić from the Municipality of Kršan was appointed as Vice-Chairman of LAG. The Assembly of the Local Action Group „Eastern Istria“ that was held on 26 March 2013 was marked by the unanimous adoption of the most important strategic document – the LAG Local Development Strategy.
The aim of founding
The aim of founding the Local Action Group is to promote sustainable development, to prepare the LAG area for the use of EU structural funds, to develop the strategy and networking between subjects that are interested in contributing to the development of the rural area and to create the identity of LAG area by linking traditional and cultural-historical heritage. Besides all that, the aim of LAG „Eastern Istria“ is to stimulate the members of the local community in each of the included LAG areas to think up the activities that would contribute to the development of this area. These activities include economic and infrastructural issues as well as heritage preservation, the improvement of cultural and social life of its citizens and a specific gastronomic and tourism offer with environmental protection and respect of sustainable development principles. Having this task in mind, the mission of LAG „Eastern Istria“ is to give advice and practical help in making the analysis of the area and activities, promote the implementation of international cooperation projects, organize fairs and other events that affirm the local area and in the end, to serve as a link between the members of the local community and the relevant ministry, with the aim of obtaining assets from the EU funds.
In the Republic of Croatia, LAG has to be formed as an association and should include partners from the local self-government units, the representatives of citizens and business and civil sector, keeping the balanced ratio between the representatives of the existing local interest groups that come from different socio-economic sectors. At the decision-making level, at least 50 per cent of members should be from the business sector and the civil society sector.
Members of LAG „Eastern Istria“
The LAG membership can be regular and honorary.
Regular LAG members can be local self-government units, scientific and expert institutions, associations and other legal persons and citizens of the Republic of Croatia that show interest in dealing with LAG activities and that accept the LAG Statute.
Regular LAG members must have their headquarters or residence on the LAG „Eastern Istria“ area.
Honorary LAG members can be legal and physical persons who made particular contributions to the work and development of LAG.
The decision on the acceptance into regular membership is brought by the LAG Management Board on the basis of the application form, a request or a written application by the person that wishes to become a member of LAG, and has accepted the LAG Statute.
The rights and obligations of regular LAG members are the following:
- participate in determining the LAG mutual policy and programme,
- decide about LAG assets and property,
- agree upon and cooperate in the realization of mutual goals,
- mutually perform the agreed activities,
- elect and be elected into LAG bodies,
- be regularly and duly notified about LAG activities,
- regularly pay a membership fee in the amount suggested by the Management Board,
- preserve and raise LAG reputation,
- promote LAG activities,
- give suggestions, opinions and remarks regarding the activity of the Local Action Group,
- adhere to the provisions of the Statute and other LAG regulations
Bodies of the Local Action Group „Eastern Istria“
The bodies of LAG are:
- Assembly
- Management Board
- Chairman
- Vice-Chairman
- Supervisory Board
- Secretary
The LAG Assembly is the representative and the highest LAG body that brings the regulations within the rights and obligations of LAG and it performs other activities in accordance with the law and the Statute.
The Assembly regularly meets once a year and the elective meeting of the Assembly is held every four years.
The Assembly is constituted by all regular LAG members.
The Assembly performs the following duties:
- passes the Statute and other general LAG acts as well as their amendments,
- passes the Standing Orders regarding its work,
- passes the LAG Work schedule,
- brings the Financial plan for the current year,
- accepts the annual financial report and brings the statement of accounts of LAG,
- brings decisions and other regulations with which it regulates the issues within its competence,
- elects and relieves of duty the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board,
- makes decisions on the appeals and complaints against the decisions brought by the Management Board regarding the proposals, requests and petitions by LAG members,
- supervises the work of the Management Board,
- discusses and decides about the reports on the work of the Management Board and other bodies,
- decides about the award of public acknowledgements to physical and legal persons and LAG members,
- appoints the honorary LAG members,
- brings the decision on the change of LAG headquarters and its name,
- decides on the partnership of LAG with other associations and international organizations,
- decides on the exclusion of a member from LAG,
- decides on the termination of LAG,
- performs other activities determined by law or the Statute.
Management Board
The LAG Management Board is a corporate and coordinative LAG body that performs current LAG activities between two Assembly meetings and it brings decisions within its competence.
The Management Board consists of 11 members that are elected by the Assembly from its members for the period of four years, having in mind that they can be re-elected to the same duty.
When electing the members of the Management Board, the Assembly should bear in mind the adequate presence of LAG members in its constitution, ensuring that at least 50 per cent are members of the social, economic partners, civil societies and associations.
At least 20 per cent of the members are local authority representatives.
The Management Board should be a representative body, ensuring age diversity (at least one member should be younger than 29, one from the age of 29 to 50 and one above 50 years of age in the moment of being elected into the Management Board) and the equality of sexes with the minimum share of women of 30 per cent.
The Management Board:
- prepares and determines the proposals of the Statute and other LAG acts,
- executes the decisions made by the Assembly,
- brings the decision on the acceptance and non-acceptance into the regular LAG membership,
- suggests the appointment of honorary members to the Assembly,
- proposes to the Assembly the exclusion of a member from LAG in accordance with article 17 of this Statute,
- executes the financial plan and manages planned funds in which case it is in charge of the purpose and regularity of using these funds and it brings executive decisions,
- suggests the conclusion of legal issues on behalf of LAG,
- coordinates the work of LAG members and organizes the LAG activity as a whole,
- organizes and coordinates the cooperation with other organizations,
- decides on the foundation of working bodies and names and relieves their members from duty,
- manages and organizes publishing and communication LAG activities,
- passes the acts that more closely regulate the award of LAG public acknowledgements that were determined by Assembly’s decision,
- suggests the cooperation of LAG with other organizations to the Assembly,
- appoints and relieves of duty the representatives of LAG in the bodies of other organizations,
- appoints and relieves of duty the LAG secretary,
- determines the organization of performing expert LAG activities and it passes the necessary acts,
- manages the LAG assets,
- performs other tasks that are given by the Assembly, i.e. the tasks that are required for the regular functioning of LAG, if these are not under the competence of other bodies as determined by the Statute or other acts,
Members of the LAG „Eastern Istria“ Management Board are:
- Valter Glavičić
- Rosana Klarić
- Glorija Paliska
- Dolores Jenkel
- Valdi Paliska-Smoković
- Julija Škoro
- Miljenko Vretenar
- Eda Zahtila
- Željka Tončić Stanić
- Robert Fable
- Tina Širol
- Valter Licu
- Martina Honović
Chairman and Vice-Chairman
The LAG Chairman is the executive body that performs executive functions and other activities stipulated by the Statute.
The Chairman represents, manages and acts on behalf of LAG in accordance with the law, the Statute and other general LAG acts and the decisions by the Assembly and the Management Board.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected by the Assembly for the mandate of four years with the possibility of being re-elected to the same duty.
The Chairman:
- represents and acts on behalf of LAG,
- calls meetings of the Assembly and presides the Assembly,
- presides the meetings and manages the work of the Management Board,
- together with the members of the Management Board determines the proposal of the Work program and the Statute as well as the proposals of other acts that are submitted to the Assembly for revision and acceptance,
- is in charge of the execution of the adopted Work schedule and the implementation of the decisions passed by the Assembly and the Management Board,
- is responsible for raising public awareness about LAG activities (the Assembly and the Management Board),
- performs other activities determined by this Statute and other general LAG acts.
The Chairman of LAG “Eastern Istria“ is Tulio Demetlika.
The Vice-Chairman of LAG “Eastern Istria“ is Rosana Celić.
Supervisory Board
Nadzorni odbor LAG-a je tijelo kontrole rada LAG-a.
The LAG Supervisory Board of is the body that controls the performance of LAG.
The Supervisory Board consists of five members who are elected by Assembly members for the period of four years.
The Supervisory Board:
- evaluates the execution of the provisions from the Statute and other general LAG acts,
- supervises the legality of the financial and material activities and disposal of LAG assets,
- submits the report on its work to the Assembly, and
performs other activities entrusted by the LAG Assembly that, according to this Statute or other LAG acts, do not fall within the competence of other LAG bodies.
Members of the Supervisory Board of LAG “Eastern Istria” are:
- Dolores Sorić
- Lilijana Mekiš
- Vlado Peršić
- Goran Baćac
- Cvetko Gortan
The LAG Secretary is the manager of LAG that organizes and is responsible for:
- expert and technical preparation of meetings of LAG bodies,
- carrying out the decisions by the Assembly and the Management Board,
- performance of expert and technical issues for the needs of LAG bodies.
In the realization of his/her tasks, the Secretary:
- manages the administrative and material-financial business,
- prepares the propositions of financial and other documents,
- manages the register of LAG membership,
- performs other tasks that are given by the Assembly, the Management Board and other LAG bodies.
The secretary/manager of LAG „Eastern Istria“ is Mirela Faraguna.